Covid-19 updates from the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois.
Online Mass
Fr. Dean will be streaming all Masses live. Use the following link to the St. Thomas Facebook page to view them: Spiritual Media Resources
Consider these links, websites, and ideas for the latest updates and opportunities to continue our faith formation and participation during this time of social distancing. 1958084004476459/ Connect with small groups or start your own by checking out a Zoom webinar at wordpress/2020/03/04/best -practices-for-hosting-a-digital- event/?zcid=1231 ENDOW – Join Small Women Group Communities at Books available for check out in the St. Thomas Parish meeting room. Check in on a neighbor or someone that could benefit from hearing a friendly voice |
Welcome to St. Thomas the Apostle Church
Newton, Illinois St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church is located in the city of Newton, Illinois. Our Christian family invites you into our beautiful place of worship to share our faith-filled services, to witness our dedicated community involvement, and to participate in our various church ministries.
Parish Office Hours
St. Thomas: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. and 1:00-4:00 p.m. (Closed during Masses and funerals.) St. Mary's: Tuesday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Public Masses Resume with Restrictions
Attendance is limited to 25% maximum capacity, with social distancing, and preregistration is required. More information below. Due to limitations on Mass attendance, parishioners must register by calling the parish office at 618/783-8741 or by using SignUpGenius at
The "New Normal" weekend Mass schedule: Saturday, 4:30 p.m. at St. Thomas Sunday, 7:00 a.m. at St. Thomas 8:30 a.m. at St. Mary's 10:00 a.m. at St. Thomas See this week's bulletin and the brochure below for additional information and to familiarize yourself with the new routines. Online Stewardship Link
During these challenging times, the mission and ministry of our parish continues. Your generous stewardship brings life and supports this parish. To provide for the ongoing vitality of the parish, we are counting on your continued good stewardship. During this time, we hope you will continue to support the parish through your prayer, service, and generous contributions as possible. To support the work of the Church, your contributions are essential. Therefore, we have created an online offertory tool. This online giving platform enables parishioners to donate to the parish via the Parish donation page. The link above enables you to make your Sunday offertory contribution online. Your information remains private and secure. Fr. Dean 3/27/2020 The Mass schedule is revised due to current limitations and health concerns. All daily and weekend Masses will be streamed live.
The schedule is in effect until further notice. |